Monday, March 31, 2014

Social Studies 11 Why Shoot the Teacher?

It's the winter of 1935 and Max Brown is newly arrived in Willowgreen, Saskatchewan - a rural Canadian prairie town - on his first teaching job in a one room schoolhouse. He quickly realizes that this is not his dream situation: the winter is harsher than he's ever experienced, he's living in the basement of the school, the older of his students treat him poorly and his wages are paltry if and when he ever does get paid. He also feels physically and emotionally isolated. He would leave this position but he doesn't have the finances to do so. There, he bonds primarily with two townsfolk. Harris Montgomery sees Max as an obvious choice to espouse the politics of socialism. And Alice Field sees in Max a person like herself: being a British war bride, she is an alien in a harsh environment. Alice is in an unsatisfying marriage and turns to Max for emotional support. As Max goes through his first year in Willowgreen, he learns to understand life in a rural prairie town, both from the viewpoint of his students and for his own benefit. 
Viewing of this video is not required but if you are at all interested in this well done period piece, Why Shoot the Teacher? is an excellent portrayal of life on the Canadian Prairies during The Great Depression.

Law 12

Finish viewing the video by Stephen Fry - Out There Part 2. Make sure you have completed Activity Package 3.5-3.6   I mistakenly said the Chapter 3 Test will be on Wednesday. Rather it will be on Thursday. Please make sure you read the article on Aaron Webster from The Tyee

Social Studies 11

Complete Activity Package 4.2 for Tuesday.  Complete the Effects of the Depression Activity Package found on my website.
Bennett Buggy

Friday, March 14, 2014

Social Studies 11

A number of students did not complete the Reading Guide for the Canada: A People's History episode "Hard Times."  The reading guide must consist of 25 Fill in the Blank style questions that cover the entire scope of the readings.  These can be submitted using DropItToMe.  The password for uploading is nn11722.   Students who have not completed their Emily Carr/Group of Seven PowerPoint presentations have until midnight tonight to submit them using DropItToMe. Make sure you complete Activity Package 4.1

Law 12

Please finish viewing the video Out There by Stephen Fry.  Make sure you complete Activity Package 3.5/3.6.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Law 12

Complete the practice Canadian Citizenship Test. Email may a statement of your score out of 100.
Complete Activity Package 3.4  View the CNN story on Glenn Ford the man who spent 30 years on Death Row in Louisiana only to have finally been proven innocent.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Social Studies 11

There will be a short multiple choice test on Chapter 3 on Thursday.  Make sure you completed the Chapter 3 Review Package.

Law 12

Helen Betty Osborne
If you are interested in examining the impact of residential schools on aboriginal culture and family take a look at this in depth narrative prepared by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada entitled, They Came for the Children. I would suggest that if you really want to read the report that you download the pdf and store it on your own computer or portable device.  Make sure to complete Activity Package 3.3 for Thursday.  You may wish to examine The Report of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba into the events surrounding the death of Helen Betty Osborne in 1971.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Law 12

Women's Mock Parliament
The Word Search and Crossword for The Famous Five can be found by clicking here. Complete Activity Package 3.1.  Read the article entitled Women's Suffrage.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Law 12

No homework assigned for this evening.

Social Studies 11

Complete Activity Package 3.3 for Tuesday.  Play the game entitled The Roaring Twenties.  Receive 10 bonus marks if you can identify the artist who produced the painting pictured on the left. 

Friday, March 07, 2014

Social Studies 11

You should begin work on your PowerPoint presentation about either The Group of Seven or Emily Carr.  The presentation needs to be a minimum of ten (10) slides long and must be submitted using DropItToMe.

Make sure you complete Activity Package 3.2 for Monday.

Make sure you finish viewing The Great Crash from the 28 minute mark.

Law 12

Chapter 2 Test on Monday.  Make sure you have completed and submitted Activity Package 2.7/Test Preparation. 

The test will be the exact same format as Chapter 1 but will not be open book.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Law 12

The Chapter 2 Test is scheduled for Monday.  It is exactly the same format as the Chapter 1 Test.  Make sure you complete Activity Package 2.7/Test Preparation for Friday.  If you were absent from class today please view 12 Angry Men up to the 30 minute mark.

Social Studies 11

Complete Activity Package 3.1 for Friday.  View the video entitled The Roaring Twenties.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Law 12

The following announcement has been issued by the North Vancouver Detachment of the RCMP:

Marijuana - Federal Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

The North Vancouver RCMP Youth Intervention Unit would like to remind students of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in Canada. The recent change to some laws in several American States regarding marijuana has caused some confusion in British Columbia.
Marijuana is illegal in Canada and is listed in Schedule 2 of the Federal Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This means that unless you have authorization to use medical marijuana, you cannot possess, sell, or produce marijuana without risking a criminal penalty.
It is important to understand police powers of arrest and search. The sight of a marijuana pipe/bong and/or the smell of fresh/burnt marijuana can often provide police with the grounds to make an arrest and conduct a search.
School District #44 has a zero tolerance for students being under the influence of marijuana and/or being in possession of any marijuana and/or paraphernalia. In addition, the school has powers to search and seize drugs and drug related items based on their responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all students.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your School Liaison Officer.
Youth Intervention UnitNorth Vancouver RCMP